Bisulfite-seq data Workflow Automation Software and Protocols

The BWASP repository encompasses code we developed in the Brendel Group for scalable, reproducible analyses of bisulfite sequencing data.

Getting Started

The BWASP package conforms to our RAMOSE philosophy and promise: we made every effor to design the software such that you can produce reproducible, accurate, and meaningful results; our software is open (source), designed to be scalable, and easy to use (so that a typical genome laboratory should be able to run it). And, of course, our software should be ramose ("having many branches") - it's yours to use, modify, improve, enhance, ... .

To proceed, please follow the instructions in the INSTALL document. Once all preparatory steps are taken care of, see the HOWTO document


Claire Morandin and Volker P. Brendel (2021) Tools and applications for integrative analysis of DNA methylation in social insects. Molecular Ecology Resources, 00, 1-19. Original pre-print: at BioRxiv.


Please direct all comments and suggestions to Volker Brendel at Indiana University.